FAQ For Buyers

New suppliers

New suppliers

How to find new Suppliers: FAQ For Buyers


Do I need to create an account to order?

You can order from us directly but we recommend you to create an account before ordering, so you can access all the functionalities and data that you need. With an account registered, we can show you products that meet your personal interests and you can save complete orders, which makes re-ordering easy. You can create your account in less than 2 minutes and we only need basic data such as company name, location and quick and general questions about your sourcing so we can only show you what is relevant to you.

What if I forgot my password?

You can rest your password by clicking the “forgot password” link.

How can I unsubscribe from e-mails?

If you do not wish to receive our e-mail newsletter, you can unsubscribe any time by clicking on the ‘Unsubscribe’ button in the bottom of any bulk email sent by Prowexx


Where can I find my orders?

In your Prowexx account you will see all of your order data in the Orders tab on the left hand side.

Will you notify me before the delivery?

Yes we keep you updated step by step via Prowexx internal communication system. In the near future we will automate this in our app.

What if I haven’t received my order by the time it was due?

We will always keep you updated and let you know if something which might delay the delivery happens. If you need to call us, you have all our details on on contact page or via the internal communication system.

Can I cancel my order?

You have the right to withdraw your order in 14 days after it was delivered with no reason. Please if you decide to withdraw your order, contact us as soon as possible. Please note that to cover the cost of returning the products is your responsibility. After the products were returned, you will be reimbursed for the price of products. Please note that the right of withdrawal does not apply in case of quickly perishable products or in case of sealed products if the seal was removed after delivery.


What payment methods do Prowexx accept?

You can pay by bank transfer or Cash on delivery. We also extend 30 day payment line for our verified customers.

Where can I find my invoices with new suppliers?

You can find your invoices in the document portal of your account.


How and when my products will be shipped?

If your product is in stock with us, it will be shipped to you on the next working day. If it is not the case, allow delivery from the Supplier which could take up to 5 Business Days